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Lesson Plan Freebie: Mardi Gras

    🎉🎭 Happy Mardi Gras, speech stars! 🎭🎉 🎊 Let’s sprinkle some linguistic magic and jazz up our speech skills as we dive into today’s Mardi Gras-themed speech therapy session! 🎷✨ Get ready to parade through a world of words, where every sentence is a float adorned with colorful vocabulary! 🌟🎶 🎈We’ll be dancing through articulation alleys, navigating fluency funhouses, and unlocking the treasure chest of… Read More »Lesson Plan Freebie: Mardi Gras

    Lesson Plan Freebie: National Frozen Yogurt Day

      🍦🎉 Hello, fabulous friends! Are you ready to chill out and have some fun? Today, we’re diving into a tasty adventure as we celebrate National Frozen Yogurt Day in style! 🥳 Get ready to scoop up some smiles and sprinkle in some sweetness as we explore the delicious world of frozen yogurt. 🍨 Whether you’re a fan of fruity flavors or craving something decadently indulgent,… Read More »Lesson Plan Freebie: National Frozen Yogurt Day

      Ginkgo Biloba: A Traditional Chinese Herbal Remedy Boosting Stroke Recovery

        A groundbreaking study has shed light on the potential benefits of a traditional Chinese herbal remedy derived from the ginkgo biloba tree, one of the oldest living tree species. The research, conducted through a large randomized controlled study, reveals that active components in ginkgo biloba could significantly enhance the early recovery of cognitive functions in individuals who have experienced a stroke caused by a blood… Read More »Ginkgo Biloba: A Traditional Chinese Herbal Remedy Boosting Stroke Recovery

        Lesson Plan Freebie: Groundhog Day

          Hello Speech Superstars! 🌟 Get ready for a groundhog-tastic speech therapy adventure! 🎤🦔 We’re diving into the whimsical world of Groundhog Day, where Punxsutawney Phil takes the spotlight to predict our weather fate. 🌦️ Let’s unravel the origins of this furry tradition and sprinkle some speech magic on our communication skills. 🎩✨ From chit-chat about weather lore to mastering those tongue-twisting predictions, we’re in for… Read More »Lesson Plan Freebie: Groundhog Day

          What is AAC and Who/What is it For? 

            AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. It is a term that covers various methods and devices that help people who have difficulty speaking or writing to communicate with others. AAC can be used by children and adults who have different types of disabilities or conditions that affect their speech or language skills, such as autism, cerebral palsy, stroke, brain injury, or ALS.  AAC can… Read More »What is AAC and Who/What is it For? 

            How Coffee Can Boost Your Brain Health and Performance

              Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with billions of cups consumed every day. Many people drink coffee for its rich aroma, delicious taste, and stimulating effect. But did you know that coffee can also benefit your brain health and performance in various ways? In this article, we will explore some of the scientific evidence that shows how coffee can improve… Read More »How Coffee Can Boost Your Brain Health and Performance

              What to Expect During a Cognitive Screen, Evaluation, and Treatment by a Speech Therapist

                Cognitive communication is the ability to use language and thinking skills to communicate effectively in everyday situations. Cognitive communication can be affected by various conditions, such as stroke, brain injury, dementia, or aging. A speech therapist can help assess and treat cognitive communication difficulties and improve the quality of life for individuals and their families. A cognitive screen is a brief test that can identify… Read More »What to Expect During a Cognitive Screen, Evaluation, and Treatment by a Speech Therapist