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The MIND Diet for Better Brain Health

    If you are looking for a way to improve your cognitive function and prevent dementia, you may want to consider the MIND diet. The MIND diet stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay and it combines elements of two well-known healthy diets: the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet.  The MIND diet was developed by researchers who wanted to create a dietary pattern that focuses… Read More »The MIND Diet for Better Brain Health

    Transportation Resources

      Transportation service across the Tampa Bay Area for Senior Citizens and those with Disabilities Securing transportation for appointments and personal business can be a daunting task for senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. Luckily, Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco County have each developed a system for providing transportation services to residents in need. Here is some information that may come in handy for yourself or a… Read More »Transportation Resources