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How Coffee Can Boost Your Brain Health and Performance

    Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with billions of cups consumed every day. Many people drink coffee for its rich aroma, delicious taste, and stimulating effect. But did you know that coffee can also benefit your brain health and performance in various ways? In this article, we will explore some of the scientific evidence that shows how coffee can improve… Read More »How Coffee Can Boost Your Brain Health and Performance

    What is Speech-Language Pathology Anyway?

      Speech-language pathology is a field of science that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of communication and swallowing disorders. Speech-language pathologists, or SLPs, are professionals who work with people of all ages who have difficulties with speech, language, voice, fluency, cognition, or feeding and swallowing. In this article, we will explore the history of the profession, the education requirements, the role of ASHA, and… Read More »What is Speech-Language Pathology Anyway?

      What to Expect During a Cognitive Screen, Evaluation, and Treatment by a Speech Therapist

        Cognitive communication is the ability to use language and thinking skills to communicate effectively in everyday situations. Cognitive communication can be affected by various conditions, such as stroke, brain injury, dementia, or aging. A speech therapist can help assess and treat cognitive communication difficulties and improve the quality of life for individuals and their families. A cognitive screen is a brief test that can identify… Read More »What to Expect During a Cognitive Screen, Evaluation, and Treatment by a Speech Therapist

        September is Healthy Aging Month! How can we age better?

          Healthy Aging Month is celebrated every September to raise awareness about the positive aspects of aging and to encourage people to take care of their physical, mental, and emotional health. According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), many factors influence healthy aging. Some of these, such as genetics, are not in our control. Others — like exercise, taking care of our brain health, and… Read More »September is Healthy Aging Month! How can we age better?

          What is Telehealth for Speech Therapy?

            Telepractice is the delivery of services using telecommunication and Internet technology to remotely connect clinicians to clients, other health care providers, and educational professionals for screening, assessment, intervention, consultation, or education. Telepractice is an appropriate model of service delivery for audiologists and speech-language pathologists (ASHA) and may be the primary mode of service delivery or may supplement in-person services (known as hybrid service delivery). Technology… Read More »What is Telehealth for Speech Therapy?

            What is the Flexitarian Diet?

              August is National Wellness Month, and this means an opportunity to make healthier decisions. Almost 25% of Americans have cut back on their meat intake in an effort to improve their health. Have you been looking for a way to eat healthier without giving up meat completely? If so, you might want to consider the flexitarian diet. This is a semi-vegetarian eating style that allows… Read More »What is the Flexitarian Diet?

              What is GERD?

                GERD is a chronic digestive disease where the liquid content of the stomach refluxes into the esophagus, the tube connecting the mouth and stomach. The most common symptom of GERD is heartburn, which usually feels like a burning chest pain that begins behind the breastbone and moves upwards to the neck and throat. Other symptoms include chest pain, difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), persistent dry cough,… Read More »What is GERD?

                The MIND Diet for Better Brain Health

                  If you are looking for a way to improve your cognitive function and prevent dementia, you may want to consider the MIND diet. The MIND diet stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay and it combines elements of two well-known healthy diets: the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet.  The MIND diet was developed by researchers who wanted to create a dietary pattern that focuses… Read More »The MIND Diet for Better Brain Health

                  How can Speech-Language Pathology help with Dementia?

                    Dementia is a heartbreaking condition that can rob individuals of the ability to communicate and connect with their loved ones. One important treatment method for individuals with dementia is speech language pathology, a field that focuses on the assessment and treatment of communication and swallowing disorders. Speech Care at Home has over 10 years of experience working with folks experiencing mild, moderate, and late-stage dementia.… Read More »How can Speech-Language Pathology help with Dementia?